I despise consuming 3rd party APIs for one reason, speed. Many of the APIs I have to consume on a daily basis, respond slower than it would take to deliver an email. But, their integration with our application is absolutely critical. They are so critical infact, that if an error should happen during any point of the commissioning, then I need to be notified and or the job needs to be reattempted at a later date.
On many occassions, I have simply split the 3rd party API object into its own
Rails model that is persisted in the database with a state_machine
or some
sort of identifier on it that lets the application know if it is in an erroneous
Billing is a prime example of this:
# app/models/subscription.rb
# Table: subscriptions
# - user_id
# - subscription_id
class Subscription
belongs_to :user
def subscribe
# subscribe to api here
# set subscription_id = id in api
def unsubscribe
# unsubscribe from api here
# invoke .destroy
def update_billing_information
# interact with api here
I mentioned earlier that I would use a state machine on models that interact
with APIs. However, in this example, if the subscription_id
is not set, then
the Subscription
will be in an erroneous state.
I prefer to make job classes, only because they allow for me to separate my
backgrounding code, from my model code. Plus, there is the possibility that you
are sticking too much data into the delayed job queue by doing
or @user.delay.send_some_email
is even worse. It
will turn that ruby object into a YAML formatted object and stick it into the
The following is the best way, IMO to do backgrounding with Delayed Job. Just put a few simple values in and it keeps the queue lean.
# app/jobs/subscribe_subscription.rb
class SubscribeSubscription
def initialize id
@id = id
def perform
subscription = Subscription.find(@id)
def error job, exception
puts "[ERROR] subscription=#{@id} message=#{exception.message}"
I would then invoke the Delayed::Job
queue by using an observer. Now this part
you don’t have to necessarily put into an observer, but it makes for a cleaner
model. As an aside, I store my observers in app/observers
, it just makes it a
little easier to organize my thoughts.
# app/observers/subscription_observer.rb
class SubscriptionObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
def after_create subscription
We would then be able to do the following:
# app/controllers/subscriptions_controller.rb
class SubscriptionsController < AuthorizedController
# ...
def create
sub = current_user.subscriptions.build(subscription_params)
if sub.save
# success
# booo failure
# ...
def subscription_params
params.require(:subscription).permit(:name, :more, :fields)
We have decoupled the 3rd party interaction from the controller and put it into a background job, where it will be handled. However, in this straw man example I did not show a proper way to handle failure. If I was going to actually do this with a payment system, I would definitely notify the user that something is up and make them reattempt the sign up again.